Iris called me this week to tell me she read her first book! She was so excited. I asked if she could write a few sentences about how that made her feel and why it was so important to her. She wrote a letter and brought it straight to me that day. And she picked up two more books to take home because she loves the feeling of reading now. Iris is an amazing and inspiring person, and we are all grateful to work with her. Here is what she wrote about this milestone in her life:
“Well everyone, I did something I never thought I could. That was to read a book. I did it all on my own. I accomplished it myself.
I feel so good about it. It was 101 pages, WOW!! The name of the book is Never Going Back. That is so true for me.”
She thanked her two tutors, Jan and Ray, and the Adult Literacy director, Rebecca, for helping her reach this important goal:
“Thank you, I could not have done it without them.”
“Iris is an absolute delight! She has such a positive approach to learning and life! I hope to be able to work with her for a long time! ”
– Jan, Iris’s math tutor
“Through hard work and perseverance, Iris has accomplished something she thought was impossible: read an entire book. This is only her first goal in building her reading skills. Congratulations, Iris!”
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