Pearl and Catherine, an Adult Literacy success story

We would love to share this success story from Rebecca Massey, the Adult Literacy Program director.


Rebecca sent this email to Pearl, one of her tutors:

Sorry again for the delay grading Catherine’s test. This time around we gave her a harder test (Level D) because the score on her last test (Level C) indicated that she was ready for that move upward. Typically, when students advance into a higher-level test, they backslide a few points and that’s all fine. However, Catherine scored 6 points higher on this test than the last one. 
And the biggest news is that she moved up to a whole new level of literacy! There are 6 levels of Adult Basic Education. She is now in Level 5. (See p. 7 here for a description of that level) Very few of our AL students are at that level. It’s a great accomplishment.
Please tell her congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you deserve at least half of the exclamation points in this email. Thank you SO MUCH for all your effort, insight, and devotion to her success. You guys are the best.”
And this was the tutor’s response: 
I am heartened to think you believe I’ve done a good job. I have made every effort to do that.  Onward and upward. You need not thank me for helping Catherine. She is a consistent joy. Positive, determined and funny. She was determined to fight through the fears and embarrassment of her earlier educational experiences to find her good ending. I am delighted to be along for the ride. No one deserves it more. 
Catherine was beside herself with joy when I called to give her the test results, and trust me, getting your note was also the highlight of my day. Sharing it with Catherine, Connie, and Jim [her daughter and son-in-law] superb. They are so proud of her. We all are. Most importantly, she is proud of herself. That is priceless! Pearl

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