Success Story – Linda and Stan

Thank you to our wonderful Augustine Project tutor, Linda Laufer, who sent in the following inspiring story about her student. We will call this student Stan for the sake of his privacy.

“Stan is a bright, hard working 11-year-old who struggles severely with reading. Understandably, he approached reading as a chore, something he knew he had to do, but tried to avoid. During our first session in January, however, Stan surprised and delighted me: for our free reading segment he brought in a library book on foxes. His love of dogs motivated him to learn more, and he realized that by reading, he could learn more. Reading, although still a challenge, is now a gateway. I could not be happier.”

Because of the success Stan has experienced so far, his mother referred his younger sister to the Augustine Project. She is just as bright and hard- working as her brother and she is improving her reading skills as well.

Thank you to all of our Augustine Project tutors who make a difference in the children’s lives with their volunteer work.

In the News:

The Literacy Council was featured in an article on the WNC Nonprofit Pathways website. Read the article at WNC Nonprofit Pathways.


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