Posts Tagged ‘early literacy’

Early Literacy Workshop: July 29, 2016


Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library families participated in an Early Literacy Workshop at Pack Library on Friday, July 29.

Workshop Focus

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Workshops focus on a different pre-school age each session. Friday’s workshop, the fourth in the series, was geared toward developing early literacy skills for children aged 3-5 years old. Children and their families learned about the importance of the Five Ws and One H: “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” “how.”

“[My son] had a great time – he loved making the story, getting to sing the songs, playing the musical instrument … and the pepperoni pizza!!”

Literacy Activities

Children practiced using these important building-block words in the following ways: 

  • Learning how to say the words in sign language
  • Playing instruments and singing a song about the Five Ws and One H
  • Composing stories as a group using the Five Ws and One H
  • Creating a story individually using the Five Ws and One H

The workshop included a free lunch and ended with literacy game stations, such as alphabet bean bag toss, color puzzles, and building blocks.

“Thanks for hosting us!  We’ve been practicing our sign language at home.”

Workshop Gallery

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Learn More

Email to learn about how you can get involved with the Literacy Council’s Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program. 


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