Posts Tagged ‘youth literacy’

Youth Literacy: The summer camp was a big success!

Fourteen tutors ages 16-20 worked with fifty students for eight weeks, and the experience was a big success!

The students received pre-and post-tests to measure progress. Title I Reading Specialists from Asheville City Schools administered the tests incorporating the same series of tools they use to measure progress during the school year.  Students were given between 2 to 6 tests each, depending on their grade.   Of the students who completed both the pre-and post-tests, 41 out of 44 (93%) improved their test scores in at least one test.

The collaboration between YTL (Youth Transformed for Life) and our Youth Literacy Program was initiated through conversations over the past months about how to reach more grade school students of color.

Knowing that the impact of COVID left students with even larger gaps in reading levels, the Literacy Together team decided to find a way to step up (read more about this process here).

The campers were primarily youth of color, and our paid internship offer prioritized young adults of color to serve as tutors and mentors. Here are some of their testimonials and photos. Enjoy!

I understand more about how to empathsize with those who view reading as a challenge. Reading has always been a fun activity for me, but this summer I was shown that this is not the case for everyone and I need to be sensitive to that.” 

One of my students went from not being able to recognize the sounds of “u” and “a” and “i” in certain words to reading paragraphs fluently by the end. One student had trouble with the auditory deletion exercises but by the end, they got a 100 percent on the assessment. Another student had trouble writing and reading over four-letter words but could read them and figure them out by the end.”

The internship allowed me to improve my communication skills with other adults and kids. If I ever decide I want to teach on an elementary level or on any level, I would have the knowledge or the feel for how or what to do when working with other students. The experience will also tell my future employers that I’ve had experience or interest in teaching from a young age and that I’ll be a good candidate.”

I feel like I have definitely gained a love for learning and working with kids. I really liked being able to help kids who have some of the struggles I experienced when I was their age. It was so rewarding and I value those relationships so so much. I know Tonya said this but I’m not going to forget these people or my kids for the rest of my life.”

“I gained patience from dealing with kids as well as many other skills because it is not like anything I have done before. I think it gave us a very good sense of leadership and empowerment because however much effort we put in was how much we got out. I learned that simple things can mean so much to people and have a great impact on them. Overall a great experience that I think a lot of people will benefit from.”

Thanks to all the interns, we appreciate you!


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Success Story – Travis and Carol

At the beginning of the school year, Travis was the smallest student in his first grade class. Although his teacher thought that he seemed intelligent, he tested into the lowest reading group. While half of his peers read sentences, Travis struggled to read the letters b, d, g, q, p, n, h, r, u and v. He wrote letters backwards and confused capital letters with lowercase ones. He could write no words. Travis scored below grade level in six out of seven assessments that composed his Augustine Project pre-test.

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